The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - major CERN project.
Bird’s eye view of the Institut Laue–Langevin complex
A free-electron laser XFEL at DESY in Hamburg.
The Heavy Ion Storage Ring ESR at GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research.
Employees of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht celebrate the date of establishment of the center.
Bird’s eye view of two largest particle accelerators of Fermilab
Campus of Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Vast scientific potential of B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute entitles its researchers to participate in international projects and collaboration with the leading centers of Europe and America. There is close scientific cooperation between PNPI and the following foreign research centers:
Conseil Européen pour la Recherche NucléaireCERN
The world biggest high-energy physics laboratory.
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The Paul Scherrer InstitutePSI
Switzerland's biggest national research centre.
Website link
Institut Laue-LangevinILL
International research center based in Grenoble, France. At the leading edge of neutron science and technology, it operates one of the most intense neutron sources in the world (53 MW).
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European Synchrotron Radiation FacilityESRF
The ESRF is the world's most intense X-ray source and a center of excellence for fundamental and innovation-driven research in condensed and living matter science. Russia is a member state of the ESRF with the contribution of 6%.
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Saclay Nuclear Research Center (Centre CEA de Saclay)SNRC
It is the heart of French nuclear research, one of 9 laboratories belonging to the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA).
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Laboratoire Léon BrillouinLLB
France’s national neutron scattering research center located in Saclay.
Website link
Deutsches Elektronen-SynchrotronDESY
The facilities generate the world’s most intense X-ray light XFEL, accelerate particles to record energies and open completely new windows onto the universe. Russia is a member state in XFEL with the contribution of 25%.
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GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion ResearchGSI
Research center with world’s biggest heavy ions accelerator.
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Helmholtz-Zentrum BerlinHZB
Being located in Belin, the center has the 10 MW BER-II nuclear research reactor for research with neutron scattering (former Hahn Meitner Institute) and the third-generation BESSY synchrotron (Berlin synchrotron).
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Helmholtz-Zentrum JulichHZJ
The center is a member of Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers - the largest scientific organization in Germany.
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Helmholtz-Zentrum GeesthachtHZG
The collaboration of four German research institutes.
Website link
Fermi National Accelerator LaboratoryFNAL
United States Department of Energy national laboratory specializing in high-energy particle physics.
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Brookhaven National LaboratoryBNL
One of United States Department of Energy national laboratories.
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National Institute of Standards and TechnologyNIST
One of the oldest physics laboratories in the United States.
Website link
University of JyväskyläJYUJ
The most famous nuclear physics institute in Finland.
Website link
UK of Great Britain
Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryRAL
British nuclear physics research laboratory.
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