The principal results of experimental works carried out at the reactor of PNPI are known worldwide. The discovery and study of the parity non-conservation in nuclear gamma transitions were the first experimental evidence for the universality of the weak interaction. Furthermore, there are the most precise measurements of the neutron lifetime to date, the discovery of new kinds of correlation in ternary fission, the measurements of the neutron dipole moment, and the study of the asymmetry of its beta-decay. The strong electric fields, acting on a neutron moving in a noncentrosymmetric crystal have been discovered and investigated recently with some other new diffraction and neutron optics phenomena. Our institute takes a leading position in the world in the creation of cold and ultra-cold neutron sources.
In solid-state physics, the method of three-dimension analysis of neutron polarization was proposed and created as well as the original method of monochromatization of polarized neutrons, which are used in neutron scattering techniques. The important results were received in the investigations of the HTSC, nanostructures, hydrogen fuel elements, and magnetic structures on the atomic level. The spin dynamics of phase transitions was studied using polarized neutrons, the critical scattering from the three-spin correlations and the inelastic scattering asymmetry with the magnetic field present were revealed experimentally. The existence of a new chiral class of universality for magnetic phase transitions was proved using elastic and inelastic scattering of polarized neutrons.
The technique of crystal-diffraction spectroscopy of high resolution, with the help of which the first-class results were received in nuclear spectroscopy and solid state physics, made it possible to successfully carry out the study of particle channeling effect, to use it in the accelerator technology and high energy physics, as well as to use the neutron diffraction for measuring the fundamental neutron characteristics.
The determination of the details of the protein biosynthesis mechanism, the elaboration of the diagnostic methods of human hereditary diseases, the creation of biological test-systems for ecological monitoring are the results of the studies of biologically active macromolecules and cell structures at PNPI.
2013Yu.A. DemidovI.V. Kurchatov prize
2013A.L.Konevega S.V. Kirillov U.P. SemenkovI.V. Kurchatov prize
2013S.V. MaleevV.A. Fok prize
2012V.G. Korolyov A.Yu. Konev, Yu.A. Ilina D.V. Fyodorov A.Yu. ChernenkovI.V. Kurchatov prize
2012V.F. EzhovOrder of Honorfor research of the subglacial lake Vostok
2011D.I. DiakonovPrize of the Government of Leningrad Oblast, Saint Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of fundamental research
2001L.N. LipatovInternational award for theoretical physics –Pomeranchuk Prize
2000V.L. Aksenov V.A. Kudryashov V.A. TrunovState Prize of the Russian Federationfor the development and implementation of methods of structural time-of-flight neutron diffraction using pulsed and stationary reactors
1996V.M. Samsonov A.I. SmirnovState Prize of the Russian Federationfor the creation of new techniques to control high-energy particle beams on accelerators by using bent crystals and their implementation
1995S.L. GinsburgA. Aronov International Prize for theoretical studies of the nonlinear properties of spin glass and of the critical state of granular superconductors
1986G.M. Drabkin S.V. Maleev A.I. OkorokovUSSR State Prizea series of works “New techniques of solid-state body research on the basis of neutron scattering of stationary nuclear reactors"
1985V.I. Kadashevich P.V. Neustroev Yu.F. RyabovPrize of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Unionthe development based on the international standard CAMAC and the organization of production of equipment for creation of systems of automation of scientific and scientific-technical studies
1983A.K. PetukhovLenin Komsomol Prizefor a series of works "the Violation of spatial parity in heavy nuclei"
1983O.I. SumbaevB.P. Konstantinov Prize of the Academy of Sciencesa series of works associated with the discovery and study of the effect of chemical displacements of x-ray lines in heavy elements and its application for the study of crystal-chemical relations
1983A.A. VorobyovUSSR State Prizea series of works "Diffraction scattering of protons at high energies"
1974V.M. Lobashev V.A. NazarenkoLenin Prizefor a series of works on experimental detection and study of the non-conservation of spatial parity in nuclear electromagnetic transitions