Deputy Director for International Collaboration
Ph.D in Physics and Mathematics
- 1987 – 1993 Petersburg University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO), Russia. Specialist, Physics-Engineering
- 1993–present St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute NRC KI - Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia
- 2000–present CERN, ISOLDE, PH Geneva, Switzerland
- 2001 PhD Thesis:“Short-lived Tm nuclei investigated with the new high temperature target-ion source device of IRIS mass-separator”
Research Experience, Skills & Activities
Skills: Laser Spectroscopy, Radiation Detection, Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions, Gamma Rays, Radiation
Interests and Activities: Scientific activity and interests are the investigation of nuclear structure and properties of short lived exotic nuclei, production methods of rare isotopes, laser spectroscopy, isotope shifts and hyperfine structure investigations, nuclear spectroscopy, production of pure isotopic and isomeric ion beams for scientific and medical applications.
Co-author of more than 130 papers, published in high-ranking scientific journals.
- 2004–present Senior Researcher of Short-Lived Nuclei Lab of NRC KI-PNPI
- 2012–present Team Leader of NRC KI-PNPI at ISOLDE Experiment (CERN)
- 2017–present Deputy Head of Short-Lived Nuclei Lab of NRC KI-PNPI
- 2022–present Deputy Director for International Collaboration of NRC KI-PNPI